I don't usually share whats going on in my head but I found out that sometimes talking about your thoughts and issues could help to make you feel better.
Let's start from who I am,
I am a mum of 2... and my life can be pretty challenging sometimes. I come from Poland, I was born there and came to live in the UK when I was 14. So if there are any mistakes don't blame me...
Life in the Uk was not my dream come true. I came here I never spoke English before in my life, I was lost and hopeless.
Now I can't write proper Polish and English sometimes is confusing me but I do find it a better way to communicate.
So anyway. . .
The reason for my blog ... I do struggle with my thoughts sometimes and I do find it hard to speak to anyone about it. I think of some messed up things sometimes and can't get them out of my head ... I then cry and have anxiety... Everything is then too much for me, I can't breathe properly and think... I feel like I'm chocking. But I read somewhere that this is just your thoughts and that's all they are ... and this helped me. It seems simple but that's what it is. If you watch a horror movie or very intense documentary you might think of this and it can become too much. But this is how our brain works and we can struggle sometimes.
Talking to yourself is good!
I can't tell you how many times I've done that. Kids are challenging and can make you crazy sometimes! that's normal. They are just kids and we as mums are there to teach them. You then sometimes have to talk to yourself and say: it's fine! I can do this calmly' and you take a deep breath a few times and clear your head. Think of it as letting the toxic energy out of you.
Talking to yourself just in your head is good. Simply reassuring yourself can be the biggest help.
Remember you are controlling your head !!!
You see even writing a blog can make things easier and you can let yourself speak and let it all out!
Also... keeping away from unwanted thoughts like finding a new hobby I already found 3!
I love gardening, I have 4 chickens and I like cleaning my house (sometimes)
Tomorrow I plan to start a new hobby something to do with the gardening ... Looking after my hens and just try to relax ! have time for myself ...
Anyway if you were reading this thanks :)
Will post again soon
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